VistaCal (material constitutive calibrator) allows the user to calibrate VistaDam and VistaFire models, as well as other commonly used material constitutive models, to experimental test data without investing a great deal of effort in learning the details of each model. VistaCal pairs seamlessly with a variety of other commonly used material models and finite-element (FE) codes. For a combination of material model and FE code, VistaCal will quickly and reliably calibrate model parameters to fit the experimental data. Calibration can be fully automated, eliminating guesswork and minimizing user effort, or VistaCal can be used to manually tweak and calibrate, allowing complete user control.
In addition to performing model calibration, VistaCal serves as a data repository and uncertainty quantification platform. Past and present material fits can be compared and uncertainty quantification metrics calculated based on previous fits and data, or the database can simply be used to organize a library of material fits and associated test data.
Simple, Intuitive Interface:
VistaCal is packaged in a simple, easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI), permitting the user to import data, run coupon-level simulations, generate material model fits, plot results, and export material cards for desired FE codes.
Reliable, Automated Calibration:
VistaCal's fitting algorithms reliably fit a material model to a certain number of data sets. The fitted and experimental stress-strain curves are cross-plotted in the main plot window, and fitted parameters and convergence statistics are displayed on-screen.
Database of Institutional Knowledge:
VistaCal allows experimental data and calibration results to be stored, organized, and shared. Access to historical data and fits should lead to more consistent—and transparent—practices. Historical and present data/fits can be easily compared to verify whether new data or a new fit is reasonable.